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The Most Embarrassing Story EVER

Ever been embarrassed? You’re lying if you said no.

How about really embarrassed? Devastatingly embarrassed? So embarrassed you wonder how you’ll ever get over it? Let me help you.

I’ve been lucky, or possibly too conservative, but I have escaped face flaming, stomach turning situations. Well, that’s not exactly true. I’ve had some horrors but nothing like what happened to a friend of mine, and hers is the story I measure all of my embarrassing stories against. If there was a scale of embarrassing, from forgetting someone’s name at a cocktail party to something so bad you would consider entering the witness protection program, Amanda’s story is worse.

One day when Amanda was 18, she was entertaining a gentleman caller in her bedroom, which was located in her parent’s house since she still lived at home. It was mid-afternoon and no one was expected home anytime soon. Amanda’s room was at the back of the house and her windows overlooked a path that ran between the house and the detached garage. There’s no easy, or polite way to tell you what happened next, so I’ll just get to it…

Amanda was sitting on her boyfriend’s face, totally naked, when her stepfather walked by the window, looked in, and made full eye contact.

Let me give you a second for that to sink in...

OMFG!!! If you’re anything like me, you’re now shaking your head in disbelief, eyes wide, shocked at the pure misery of the situation. Guess what though? Amanda eventually had to come out of her bedroom and face her stepfather. I seem to recall they never actually talked about it – big surprise – but she did get over it.

The real lesson in her story for me is that it’s a waste of time torturing ourselves and reliving our less-than-great moments because ultimately, almost no matter what happens in your life, Amanda’s story is way more embarrassing. So get over it.

And that is my gift to you.

PS Amanda isn’t really her name:)


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