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About me

Kim Searle Calgary - Social Summit Heads

As a teenager, I was bitten by a spider. I was thrilled! When my superpowers failed to materialize, I was forced to admit that the spider was not radioactive and I was going to d̶i̶e̶ have to finish school and get a job. Years of education followed and now I work in communications and public relations. Throw in some makeup artistry, a brief stint in television production, and you now know me better than some of my relatives.


I am interested in a huge variety of topics, some serious and some not so much. I'm also a pop culture nerd. I read everything from trashy to fine literature; same taste applied to TV and movies. I live in Calgary, Alberta and I am currently working on my first novel.


I find a good debate irresistible, and have been known to be a devil’s advocate, so if you read something here that makes you happy or sad (or even mad) say hi! 


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